The makers of the College Lacrosse 2010 video game for Xbox Live have given lacrosse fans a first look at graphics for the game by posting them on their Facebook page. You can see all eight screen shots they've released so far on their Facebook page at:
What are everyone's thoughts so far? Thumbs up? Thumbs down? Let us know below what you think of the graphics.
it doesnt look that good but its the first 1 eva so i guess its OK
ppl should just be happy some one is taking a “whack” at it, its better than nothin, mind you blast was pretty des
What a surprise, SNOB lacrosse players whining and bitching about anything they can!
This game is sick. Great FIRST step in a road to a full blown $60 dollar lacrosse video game.
for J….. how about you fork over the money for the licensing? do you know how much it will cost? A lot of friggin money! I believe they have editable team names so you can play with whoever you want.
ok genius lacrosse players, apparently a lot of you aren’t that bright since its been this long since any sort of lacrosse game has come out since blast lacrosse for ps2. if you were a bright bunch of bros you would have figured out a better solution awhile ago. but instead of being happy someone is trying you are saying its crap and looks bad. have you tried to program? can you program? If you can get on it and see how hard it is. oh whats that? nothing to say? i didn’t think so.