The makers of the College Lacrosse 2010 video game for Xbox Live have given lacrosse fans a first look at graphics for the game by posting them on their Facebook page. You can see all eight screen shots they've released so far on their Facebook page at:
What are everyone's thoughts so far? Thumbs up? Thumbs down? Let us know below what you think of the graphics.
oh i played this game 10 years ago on the 1st playstation and it sucked then and it sucks now if this game is more than $5 idk why anyone would buy it. it looks like it was made by a gameboy for a gameboy
when are they going to cum out wit a regular ea sports lacrosse game
this game looks terrible EA needs to make one
i don’t see why EA didn’t do this right off the bat these graphics are terrible and if its college lacrosse why are the teams New York, Denver, Toronto, etc.
[…] College Lacrosse 2010 video game has finally been released to the public. The makers of the game featured screen shots of the […]