Highlights from Johns Hopkins Alumni Scrimmage, Young Guns Demolish Oldtimers
Courtesy Jim O'Connor
4OneTwoLax turned us on to this video after he posted about the 28-2 shellacking. After watching the video, the Hopkins alumni don't look out of shape at all. Which makes one wonder how good Hopkins will be in 2014.
The videographer includes spots within the video worth watching.
2:12 - Stanwick goal off an excellent fast break started by Kieran Eissler to Pellegrino to Benn to Wells.
5:11 - Interlicchio assisted by Stanwick (after a great saving catch).
6:26 -- Ryan Brown changing levels with an assist from Kelton Black.
6:52 -- Brady Faby EMO assisted by Stanwick.
7:17 -- Benn shoots an absolute laser off an assist by Tom Gordon.
8:15 -- Wilkins Dismuke scores unassisted (first of two goals).
9:37 -- Paul Rabil chatting on the sidelines.
9:44 -- Panning the group picture.