World Lacrosse Championships…England Dodgeball Warmup (Video)?!

We're settling into Manchester now after arriving last night. It's a great atmosphere here. All of the teams are living in dorms on campus, the dining halls are all shared, and team gear is more than prominent. It's pretty cool to go to breakfast and sit in a room from guys from all over the world who have all come together for a week of lacrosse.

Today before our noon-time practice, Canada had a bit of a throw around and ran through some of their rides and clears. England is looking sharp and have been practicing together for a long while now. As they finished stretching their coaching staff laid out a line of cones spaced, each three feet apart. Then they placed three tennis balls between each cone, probably 25 in all. I thought it was some special goalie drill at first. Then the team split up in red and white, lined up on opposite sides about 30 feet from the line of balls, and proceeded to play dodge ball. I was speaking with one of their coaches and this is apparently the players' favorite warmup. Red vs. white, best of three.

Now were resting up before gearing up for a scrimmage versus Australia at 8 in the stadium.


-Aussie v Welsh scrimmage on Field 2 from last night. There was a bit of a drizzle, which seems to be pretty typical here. Both teams were moving the ball well and seemed ready to start up group play.

-Canada practicing in the main stadium where the Blue Group will play

-A shot of my room in Poplar Hall

-A shot from my window of the other dorms that are housing the Austrian and Welsh teams
World Games sign from around campus



Read more about my time in Manchester HERE.
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