Workhorse Lax -- Mustache Lou Shirt

Workhorse Lax -- Mustache Lou Shirt

Workhorse Lax is a Seattle based company made up of people who have been promoting the Workhorse mentality for a long time. Their mission is very simple: promote a superior work ethic in the sport of lacrosse. They sell lacrosse apparel on the website Workhorse also has a blog where they talk about what it means to live the Workhorse Approach. Those who buy the lacrosse clothing are urged to protect the Workhorse mentality and put forth their best effort both on and off the lacrosse field.

One of the many shirt designs we have become quite fond of is the Mustache Lou T-Shirt. Lou is the front man for Workhorse LAX. He’s up early, stays late, and rarely wears a shirt. When it comes to hard work, Lou is there rain or shine. The team behind Workhorse also contribute to charitable organizations such as the HEADstrong Foundation.

We recently discovered the Lacrosse Mustache Madness fundraiser going on for the HEADstrong Foundation. Nicholas Colleluori's story is very inspirational and his life, his legacy and his foundation are founded on Workhorse principles. In his honor, we have set up Team Mustache Lou and we have a goal to raise at least $5000 for the HEADstrong Foundation during Mustache Lou’s favorite month: MO-VEMBER! Every shirt sold through November will include a $3 donation to the HEADstrong Foundation. - Greg Robinson, Director of Sales and Marketing

For more information on how you can contribute please visit
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They could have at least asked before using my likeness…

Joshua Johnson

They could have at least asked before using my likeness…

Joshua Johnson

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