Each Friday the Weekly Mashup brings you links to some of the articles you may not have seen that involve lacrosse or lacrosse players. Here are some of the news-makers from this week after the jump.
Experienced Terps expecting to make lacrosse noise "That is why I don't pay a whole lot of attention to rankings. We're no more the eighth-ranked team to start this season than we were the third-ranked team going into last season," said Cottle, an Edgewater resident. "I feel we're a much better team than a year ago."
Purple Heart recipient now with WVU lacrosse team Frank Etro has had a long path to get to where he is today. The 24-year-old West Virginia University club lacrosse player is a veteran of three deployments in Iraq and recipient of the Purple Heart.
MTV needs lacrosse-playing extras If you’re 18-28, have some time to kill tomorrow and want to earn a hundred bucks, listen up.
Joe Cinosky named head coach Two members of the Minnesota Swarm will be making a big impact on high school lacrosse this season. Assistant Coach Aime Caines (East Ridge) and defenseman Joe Cinosky (Mounds View) landed head coaching jobs in the Suburban East Conference last week, setting up a potential rivalry come spring.
Maryland's Yeatman to play football Friedgen also announced yesterday that Maryland lacrosse player Will Yeatman would join the football program next season. The 6-foot-6, 260-pounder will exhaust his lacrosse eligibility this spring, but can play one more season of football. The California native started some games at tight end for Notre Dame in 2006.
High school team takes on LSU Tigers in season opener The fact that SFA has a men's team may be relatively unknown to most, let alone that they consistently place as one of the best teams in their division. "We make it to the playoffs every year," Andy Anstrom, Austin junior, said. "We usually place in 2nd or 3rd." There are usually about eight teams in the SFA men's lacrosse conference.