(Brooklyn, New York) - While our full time staff showcases four of the game’s top players and role models, with the rate of the sport’s growth, we can’t be everywhere at once. That is why we have established the Trilogy Lacrosse Locker Room to provide online resources every day for young players and parents. The Locker Room features online blogs from our National Directors in our Players Lounge, videos on important skills, strategies and plays described in our Playbook, and off-field fun in our Film Room. Visit www.trilogylacrosse.com/locker-room to check it out.
The Locker Room is a great resource, but as you know-there is no substitute for live interaction with our team. And that is why we want to bring YOU to New York City to experience a day in the life of Trilogy Lacrosse.
Trilogy Lacrosse, The Leader in Lacrosse Education, is dedicated to providing the best lacrosse instruction to boys across the country. Featuring four MLL All-Stars, our National Directors run live Events across the country unparalleled in their enthusiasm and lacrosse instruction.
Grand Prize Winner* will receive:
- Roundtrip transportation for 2 to New York City
- 1 night stay in New York City accommodations
- Visit to the Trilogy Lacrosse Corporate Office in Brooklyn, NY where you will receive:
o 1 of everything from our “Gear Wall” featuring custom shorts, shirts, hats, jackets and sweatshirts
o Lunch with the Trilogy Lacrosse National Directors and corporate staff
o Individual Lacrosse Lesson with Tewaarton Winner and 2011 MLL Points Leader Ned Crotty
o Individual Workout Session with NCAA Defenseman of the Year and MLL Champion Mitch Belisle
o Dinner with MLL and NLL Rookie of the Year, MLL Champion and resident ‘foodie’ Ryan Boyle
To Enter:
Follow us on Twitter @TrilogyLacrosse AND ‘Like’ us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/trilogylax. We will select a random winner from EITHER Facebook OR Twitter on Monday December 5th at 12noon.
*Winner’s trip must be scheduled between Sunday December 25th and Thursday December 29th or another date deemed eligible by Trilogy Lacrosse.