Courtesy John Cinosky
U.S. Men’s National Team to Compete in Play for Parkinson’s Showcase
The Canadian Lacrosse Association (CLA) has announced the 51 players selected to vie for a spot on the Canadian National Men’s Field Lacrosse Team. Team Canada will compete at the Federation of International Lacrosse (FIL) World Championships on July 10-19, 2014, in Denver, Colo. The selection camp will be held from October 11 -14, 2013 on the campus of Canisius College in Buffalo, NY.
A total of 97 players submitted tryout applications which were considered by a selection committee including current and past national team coaches, as well as current college and professional coaches. Team Canada head coach Randy Mearns (St. Catharines, Canisius College) will oversee the camp.

“Getting from 97 applications to the 51 Team Canada invitee list was certainly no easy task and when you look at the quality and character of the selection camp list our job doesn’t get any easier." said Mearns. "I am excited to bring this group together in a few weeks and I know we’ll have many tough decisions to make. In my experience with the national program, I think it is safe to say that this is the deepest, most qualified group of Canadian Field Lacrosse players trying to earn a spot to represent Canada in the World Championships next July.”
The candidates will have a busy weekend with a series of intra-squad events and scrimmages against NCAA teams Denver, Robert Morris, and Canisius scheduled over the four days. Dates, times, and ticket information for the three scrimmages will be made available soon.
The selection camp roster with the player’s current professional (MLL/NLL) or college team and minor lacrosse team is as follows:
Last Name First Name Professional College Minor
Acton Reid Ham./Minn. Toronto
Berg Wesley Coquitlam
Billings Garrett Ham./Tor. Langley
Brock David Buffalo Burlington
Campbell Ryan Edmonton Brampton
Coates Dan Ham./Col. St. Catharines
Cockerton Mark Virgina Whitby
Crowley Kevin Ham./Phil. New Westminster
Dickson Curtis Den./Calg. Poco
Dineley Angus Roch./Phil. Toronto
Donville Brennan Cornell Oakville
Duch Rhys Ham./Calg. Saanich
Earl David NY/Minn. Hartford
Flint Cam Bos./Minn. Halton
Gamble Jesse Toronto Guelph
Grant John Ches./Col. Peterborough
Greer Zack Den./Edm. Whitby
Hall Jordan Ham./Phil. Delta
Holding Cameron Colorado Whitby
Hopcroft Derek Buffalo Toronto
Houtby Jordan Detroit St. Catharines
Ince Garett Virginia Brampton
Jones Adam Ham./Col. Owen Sound
Keogh Stephen Ham./Roch. Toronto
Kiekebelt MJ Hamilton Caledon
King Jesse Ohio State Juan De Fuca
Kirk Evan Ham./Phil. Orangeville
MacGrotty Matthew Bryant New Westminster
MacIntosh Jordan Richard Roch./Minn. Oakville
Mann Cameron Ham./Col. Hamilton
Matisz Kiel Ohio/Minn. Burlington
Matthews Mark NY/Edm. Whitby
McBride Jordan Den./Col. New Westminster
McDermott Danny NYIT Richmond
Merrill Brodie Ham./Phil. Orangeville
Mydske Brett Edmonton New Westminster
Noble Jason Ham./Minn. Orangeville
Noble Jeremy Denver Orangeville
Priolo Steve Buffalo St. Catharines
Ross Kevin Ham./Phil. Toronto
Roy Dillon Denver Denver
Rubisch Kyle Ham./Phil. Brampton
Schuss Logan Ohio/Minn. Delta
Smith Dhane Buffalo Kitchener
Smith Billy Dee Buffalo St. Catharines
Snider Geoff Char./Calg. Calgary
Snider Bobby Vancouver Calgary
Tutton Chad North Carolina Whitby
Vinc Matt Rochester St. Catharines
Ward Dillon Ham./Col. Orangeville
Williams Shawn Buffalo Whitby