Simply Stated, That's A Gimmick, Bro.

Good morning laxers and lax lovers.  This post is a call to all those blind and overzealous hopers, dreamers,  and believers who purchase "The Magic Bullet" from infomercials: STOP PLEASE.  You've heard it a million times before, and you'll hear it a million more: if it seems too good to be true, it probably is too good to be true.

Let's take a step away from our idealistic tendencies and view the whole picture.  How many NCAA Division 1 college lacrosse players do you see playing with custom* pockets?  Can you name any?  Think hard and long.....................

No, right?  As a referee, coach, and player, I get to see a lot of sticks.  As a stick stringer, I scrutinize a lot of sticks too.  Not often do I see a custom pocket work better or more effectively than something simple.  Not to say that I have never tried one, or don't think they are cool, but I would think long and hard before playing with one in a game.  I'm sure some would disagree and I encourage them to prove me wrong.  Statistics do not lie -- see the field in front of you -- and make your choice.  I did.  *I refer to 'custom' as any pocket that is not mesh, pita, or classic traditional.

Gonzaga and Breakout Lacrosse registration now up on and more blog posts coming to -- follow us on Twitter @rosestringing

See you all at the convention!  Look out for me: I'd love to chat lax and stringing all day any day!  I'll be doing photography and video for Lacrosse Playground.

Greg Rose

Rose School of Stringing
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