So many of y'all liked the previously posted Nerf Vortex Nitron gun we are introducing you to a more high-powered custom built weapon. The Steampunk Nerf Gun is pure bad-ass-ness. It looks like something Paul Rudd would use in Role Models or Arnold in Total Recall. The dude makes it by hand using old, cruddy furniture.

I'd like to explain how crazy and badass the gun is, but my own words simply wouldn't do. Read the creator's explanation. Excuse his grammar. It's ok to wince and giggle.
i have constructed it from hand cut planks. the wood came from a old chair thats at least 75 years old. i like to re use any thing if i can. the scope works. its set at x3 mag it has a access pannel on the top so you can get at any darts that jam. it is powerd by x3 1.5 AA batteries (lr6) and holds 10 whistler nerf darts. it still works and fires. all the strapping has been hand cut from aluminium and hand riveted in place. you wont find an other like this any place. iv been making things like this for years. i have worked in the uk film and tv industry for over 20 years and at the moment i work for corgi(the toy car company) making there masters for there toys. if u check out my web site there are some pics of my work on it....

Check out more of his work at Faustus70.com.
Disclaimer: Choose the hard right over the easy wrong. I'm not encouraging you to shoot someone's eye out. Respect thy neighbor.