These days manufacturers are customizing and dyeing heads in ways people could have never imagined back in the day. These mass produced heads are located all over the globe in just about every retail store. It is important to remember the pioneers of dyeing and the individuality and hard work it takes to dye your own head. A few still exist such as Stylin' Strings, Max McCool and Matt Hickman. They all use the original, Rit Dye. Rit Dye is available in a variety of colors and comes in either liquid or powder form. There is just something ethereal about putting in the hard work, patience and repetition that makes the whole process so beautiful. Do yourself a favor and honor the game the right way. BUY
I agree dyeing your stick is somthing that you want to do yourself it builds character into your game
I agree dyeing your stick is somthing that you want to do yourself it builds character into your game