Reinventing Rehydration: Motive Pure

Everyone knows athletes sweat and if not properly hydrated can become dehydrated. There are different ways to combat dehydration and cramps, but the question is, how best to rehydrate? Motive Pure is the answer. Motive Pure™ is an oral rehydration solution that quickly and efficiently delivers vital electrolytes into the bloodstream. Because the electrolytes are nano-encapsulated, they are rapidly absorbed. Motive Pure™ utilizes NanoAdvantage™ science, which allows for quicker and more efficient electrolyte absorption making it the ideal hydration product for use before, during, and after activity.

It is available in a liquid concentrate form, which allows for portability and economical shipping. 1 fluid ounce of concentrate makes 20 fluid ounces of finished beverage product. Motive Pure does not require sugars for electrolyte absorption and, thus, contains no sugar. Nor does it contain artificial colors or flavors.

Motive Pure™ contains the electrolytes that your body requires to properly rehydrate:

* Sodium: 116 mg per 8 oz. (240 mL) serving
* Potassium: 37 mg per 8 oz. (240 mL) serving

Motive Pure™ contains a medium-chain carbohydrate, Maltodextrin, for energy without the Osmotic Penalty of Simple Sugars.

* Carbohydrates: 4 g per 8 oz. (240 mL) serving
* Sugars: 0 g per 8 oz. (240 mL) serving
* Calories: 13 Calories per 8 oz. (240 mL) serving

Motive Pure™ is great for anyone needing to rehydrate. It is especially valuable for high-level endurance athletes such as marathoners, triathletes, and cyclists, as well as high school, collegiate, and professional athletes of all kinds. Professional athletes such as tennis star Andy Roddick and lacrosse legend Jesse Hubbard live by Motive Pure™ as well as avid runner and Varsity lacrosse coach, Malcolm Lester. Coach Lester coaches Washington, DC area based St. Albans. We were able to catch up with him and hear what he thinks about the product.

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[…] is a dedicated coach and endurance athlete. In this interview with, he talks about running marathons and ultra marathons and how Motive […]

Interview with Lacrosse Coach Malcolm Lester : Motive Pure

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