Lacrosse Players Crash the Super Bowl

Lacrosse Players Crash the Super Bowl

Alex Weber and Michael Gvozden, who played at Penn and Johns Hopkins respectively, co-wrote and star in a Doritos commercial for the annual Crash the Super Bowl contest. The contest encourages people to upload original Doritos videos and rack up as many views as they can in order to win. Finalists, who will be announced at a later date, win a trip to the Super Bowl.

The commercial features cameos from legendary, cult-like actors Peter Dante and Blake Clarke. Dante and Clarke are known for their appearances in Adam Sandler movies like The Waterboy, 50 First Dates, and Mr. Deeds to name a few.

The commercial isn't complicated. It is pretty simple and understandable: two young guys are bored with their grandpa and take a bite out of Doritos to escape to a land with hot chicks and Dante. Ergo, Doritos take you to heavenly places. Anywhere with Dante is heavenly to a lot of dudes.

Weber and Gvozden are in this contest to win it all and there is one simple way to contribute, watch the video. Views count as votes until they proceed to the next round. As a lacrosse fan, you should feel passionate about helping this duo win.

Help them out by watching the video here! They can't do it without you guys.
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