The Opena is the world's first iPhone 4 case with a slide out bottle opener. Two pals, Rob Ward and Chris Peters, wanted to combine their powers and design a solution to everyday problems. The one thing they always have on them are their phones. The one thing they always seem to be looking for is a bottle opener. So they built their own.
Originally launched on Kickstarter in June 2011 it received huge interest and quickly jumped to 50% funding in its first week. Word quickly got out and it wasn't long before the Opena was showing up on design and gadget blogs in Australia, America, France, Japan, and Russia. 100% funding was achieved on Monday the 27th of June 2011 and the project finished on the 8th of July.
With the Opena case your iPhone is fully protected and you will never go thirsty again. The perfect companion for parties, bbq's and pretty much any situation which requires a bottle opener. Pre-Order one now at Openacase.com.