, a new interactive lacrosse website has launched and is waiting to hear what you have to say! The new website gives users the ability to view stats, schedules, rankings, news, team pages, rosters and videos. Users will have the chance to share their opinion through comment sections and interactive fan voting. Fans will even have the opportunity to take part in ranking the states top teams through an online application that allows users to vote on a daily basis!

“For a long time Massachusetts lacrosse has never had a place to call home. This site will allow users to access all the information the state has to offer both past and present” says founder/CEO Sean Morris.
“We have tremendous lacrosse teams and players in Massachusetts and our site will capture an accurate, real time snapshot of what is going on,” says Morris. will cover close to 200 high school boys lacrosse games this spring! BostonLax is turning to social media and technology to drive their website and will offer a comprehensive scoreboard that contains live updates of games across the state. Users can also learn about the rich history of lacrosse in Massachusetts as contains records that date back to the early 1970’s with lists of former All-Americans.
“Massachusetts is one of the nation’s newest lacrosse hotbeds but there is a lack of coverage in our community. We are extremely excited to create a platform that Massachusetts lacrosse can call home. “ is a website developed as a platform for boys high school lacrosse coverage in Massachusetts. The website contains rankings, stats, schedules, rosters, team pages, videos, and daily content. Users can voice their opinion and rank the states top teams through interactive fan voting. You can follow on Twitter (@bostonlaxnet) and on Facebook (