It's hard enough posting this piece without injecting pure malice towards the educational institution, so we'll let you express your opinions in the comments below.
The Herald Sun reads...
DURHAM – A lawyer for three members of Duke University’s 2005-06 men’s lacrosse team has subpoenaed the records of two public-relations companies Duke officials consulted in the course of dealing with false rape allegations a stripper made against the team.
Durham attorney Bob Ekstrand has told federal judges information from the two firms, Burson-Marsteller and Edelman, is important to his clients’ civil-rights lawsuit against Duke because public-relations worries were central to the school’s response in 2006.
“Duke’s media strategy drove its decision-making, including its decisions to deprive of the procedural protections it promises to all of its students in connection with its disciplinary proceedings,” Ekstrand said in a memo defending his move.
University lawyers, however, have asked that judges quash the subpoenas. Continue Reading...