LacrossePlayground.com presents “In the Crease,” with Mike Gvozden. “In the Crease” is LPG’s new Talk-show. The show will air approximately 12 episodes. Throughout the series you will see Mike Gvozden (www.mg-comedy.com) interview highly successful, creative, and innovative individuals who are still connected to the game of lacrosse. Get ready for laughs, lax, and some celebrities.
Episode 2 of Lacrosse Playground's talk show - "In The Crease" with Mike Gvozden, features Professional Fitness Model, Trainer, Nutrition Specialist, and Fitness Writer Kelly Gonzalez. Gonzalez played lacrosse at Johns Hopkins.
Make sure you check out last week's episode with Dante from Water Boy and Grandma's Boy. As a bonus, we leave you with a gallery of Kelly Gonzalez photos.

Learn more about Kelly at www.KellyGonzalez.com.