"I know nothing."
Happy New Year lax lovers! As the new year begins, many people, such as myself, take the time to reflect on who they are, their goals for the year, and how they can improve themselves (all you regular gym goers can see the difference in January). You achieve those goals by learning how you will get there, finding the best route, then sticking to that course. This is harder for some than for others, but attainable for all.
A discussion with a colleague spurned this post when we were talking about another colleague (shh, don't tell) and he said, "Well, he's a classic know-it-all. And you know what, the smartest people I know are also the humblest people I know."
Some of you may be thinking, how does this apply to stringing lacrosse sticks? I'll tell you why - because if you think you know everything, you may be missing out on something great. Be humble and listen. Listen to novice 6 year old's and professional 30 year old's and retired 70 year old's alike. They could have the key to unlock your stringing mastermind! By admitting you don't know it all, you keep your mind open to new ideas and the ability to find the best path to achieve your goals.
Stay focused and keep improving! HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!
Here's a song that makes me feel creative and contemplative, maybe you'll like it too:
Lemonade - Lifted
Greg Rose
New clinics are being added all the time (Fairfax, Gonzaga, and Breakout Lacrosse workshops set!) - www.roseschoolofstringing.com www.roseschoolofstringing.wordpress.com
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[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Lacrosse Playground, Jon Spear . Jon Spear said: @mrgregoryrose – little bummed your post on @LaxPlayground doesn't feature your fresh 2011 ink: http://bit.ly/eYWOTe #flexpic #lax […]