What is the concept behind Head-Case Lacrosse?
As a coach, I have observed that players spend a lot of time perfecting their pockets. Buying new heads, custom dyeing, custom stringing, yet they do not carry stick bags. They will carry an equipment bag, and most of those are made to hold the shaft of a stick (but he head is still exposed to weather). Additionally, back-up sticks are left on the sideline in bad weather conditions, placed under equipment bags, wrapped in plastic and left unattended. Back up sticks are just as important as your main game stick. Lastly, players like to customize their equipment (dyeing, names and numbers). Head-Cases have room for teams, clubs and players to customize with their logo, name, number, you name it.
When was Head-Case started?
I began working on the patent over three years ago. During that time (waiting for the government) I began investigating manufacturers. It took about 1 1/2 years for the patent approval to come through and we began manufacturing in the summer of 2009. Arrival of our initial inventory was only last month.
What is the storage case made of and what are some of the features?
It is made of a waterproof vinyl, similar to the outside construction of an equipment bag or suitcase. durable, available in black or navy blue. There is an outside storage pocket that can hold a ball, wallet, keys, cell phone, whatever … Players would go "throw around" on the practice field with their friends and simply drop the cell phones, keys on lanyards, wallets, etc. in the bag of the goal net, losing them in the grass, getting them tangled in the netting. So, just bring your stick to the field with a Head-Case (no equipment bag) and store your valuables in the pocket, throw that in the back of the net. They can also store their valuables in the pocket and stow the entire Head-Case in their equipment bags. No more fumbling for their valuables under all their gear.
What are the customization options behind the product?
Customization is completely up to the player's imagination: embroidered logos, names, numbers, and school names. Clubs and camps can put their names on Head-Cases and give them to registrants. Girls teams have embroidered names, sewn sequence, "bedazzled," all really funny and cool. Having the base colors in black and navy blue, Head-Cases can support any variety of color customization. One whole side of the product is open for customization. Names and numbers can also be placed on the side. We are leaving customization to the end user as we have found that local teams and clubs already have relationships with embroiderers and printers in their markets who already handle their "spiritwear", t-shirts, pinnies, and team gear. Team/club logos are already in place with those local vendors and set up charges probably will not apply.
Players who want more information on Head-Case or want to order the product can visit www.headcaselacrosse.com. Head-Case also takes bulk orders for teams by contacting Head-Case at headcaselacrosse@wowway.com.
I tell you why he got a patent, so the big boys don’t steal the idea. Brilliant. Our entire team just got a supply, they are perfect. Better then carrying extra bags to the field. Nice job!
This is so stupid. I can’t believe he actually got a patent for it. What about this bag deserves a patent? It’s just the top part of a stick bag that girls have used for years.
And they guy who compared this to a Warrior Shooter Bag clearly knows nothing nor what the Warrior Shooter Bag is for. Just to put it simply, the shooter bag is not for protecting a stick, it’s for SHOOTING. Figure it out. You don’t have to think too hard.
Google search the following…
“Warrior Lacrosse Shooter Bag” – with or without quotes
Same thing with zipper pouch.
i can see this actually becoming a good product, esp for girls
does it come for a goalie head to?