A friend talked to me awhile back about doing a Halo themed head. This wasn't anything too crazy but I felt good about it. I wouldn't mind some input for some addtional ideas for a second Halo theme. This one as you can see was simple in the fact that it was the camo "style pattern" (as I call it) and involved three different shades of green: Lime, Kelly, and Forest.

I dyed the head Lime, covered the head with hot glue, and then added some of the logos before going forward and dyeing it Kelly. After the Kelly was done I included a little text and another coat of hot glue and dyed again, but this time with Forest green. I chose to use only the swords and the title since they are two of the more recognizable logos from the game.

I hope everyone likes the dye job. If you have questions or comments email me at kingdyes49@gmail.com or follow me on twitter @49KingDyes. Enjoy and stay tuned for a website soon.