The "Lax Grad Tournament" will feature three games on Saturday, two games on Sunday including a championship game to decide which team will take home the "Lax Grad Cup." Several well-known professional and Division I lacrosse players will also be in attendance over the weekend to hold shooting and skills demonstrations. Registration closes May 22, click here to register online or call 888-871-0777 to reserve a spot.
"The reason behind the tournament is pretty simple," said Dale Weingarten, park director and operator of Golden Goal. "A lot of these players have spent the past six years playing together at the youth level. We wanted to make this is a celebratory weekend honoring the 8th grade graduates with competition, fun, lacrosse and memories to last a lifetime."
The "Lax Grad Tournament" will take place at Golden Goals 200+ acre tournament park in the Lake George Region of New York. The Golden Goal facility includes four lighted state-of-the-art turf fields and four finely manicured grass fields. Teams and coaches will also enjoy the on-site housing (36 clubhouses) and dining in the secured Olympic style Athlete's village.
A portion of the proceeds from the "Lax Grad Tournament" will be donated to Fields of Growth International a non-profit organization founded by Kevin Dugan, the Director of Operations for the University of Notre Dame's men's lacrosse program.
About Golden Goal
The Golden Goal Tournament Park opened its gates in the summer 2007. Golden Goal is located in the Lake George region of New York and currently boasts 8 playing fields, 36 clubhouses and the capacity to host 800 athletes and coaches per week. Situated in on the Northeast’s most scenic landscapes imaginable, Golden Goal’s fields have been carved from historic farmland with a backdrop of the Adirondack Mountains rising skyward in all their majesty. Golden Goal exists to be the ultimate destination where players, families, coaches and officials share an extraordinary team experience with one another and a destination where the hearts and spirits of champions are born and nurtured.