Please come out and show support for this great cause. It's the Men's Lacrosse's alumni weekend so there's going be a lot of great people in town and it's going to be a fun time. The more the merrier so feel free to invite everyone and anyone that you know.
College Park, MD - The University of Maryland Men’s Lacrosse team is proud to host the first annual inaugural Forever Young Walk/Run to benefit Pancreatic Cancer to be held on the campus of the University of Maryland on Saturday, October 22nd - starting and ending at Byrd Stadium. Check-in opens at 9:00 am with the walk/run beginning at 10:00 am. The 2.2 mile course is not a closed course, so safety is our main concern. We will have staff to outline the course to make sure everything runs smoothly and Police escorts will be at all intersections to help with traffic. The run/walk is not a competition but is intended to bring together supporters of a remarkable family and raise money for a great cause.
The fee is $25 which will be collected on the day of the walk/run. Checks may be made out to Forever Young Pancreatic Cancer (or FYPC). Participants will receive an Under Armour t-shirt with the walk/run logo on it. You may also register the day of the walk/run. Checks may be sent in before hand and mailed to this address: University of Maryland, Men's Lacrosse Office, Comcast Center, Terrapin Trail, College Park, MD 20742.
The Forever Young Story
In 2008 Maria Young – Mother to Michael (Duke), Kevin (Duke) and Ryan (University of Maryland) went for a routine exam because she had some stomach pain. At that time, they did a sonogram at New York Presbyterian Hospital and determined that she had a tumor on her pancreas. She had an eight-hour surgery called the Whipple and one week later began chemotherapy and radiation. The treatment was successful and for two years she was cancer free.
Unfortunately, in January of 2010, Maria learned that the pancreatic cancer had metastasized to her lungs and was considered Stage IV. Although she began undergoing extensive treatment (chemo) at Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, she continued to make the taxing trips to Durham, NC and College Park, MD to support her children and their respective lacrosse programs. When she became too ill and hospitalized with complications with her heart her children began to travel back to Long Island to spend time with their mother. Sadly, Maria Young lost her battle with cancer on Sunday, April 17, 2011.
The Forever Young Pancreatic Walk/Run is dedicated to Maria Young, a loving and devoted mother, who wanted to share her story in the hope that others would be helped if they or someone in their family had to face battling cancer, whether pancreatic or otherwise.
Register here. View the Facebook page here.
1 comment
[…] Wrapz. The Maryland Flag decals display a hint of Purple, a color that symbolizes the fight against Pancreatic Cancer.AKPC_IDS+="60641,"; Posted in: D1 ShareTagged with: Black Ops, decals, flag, Gorilla Wrapz, […]