The 2012 season is here and we wanted to work closely with college programs to bring a part of the excitement to you. Throughout the 2012 season we will highlight lacrosse programs on our space for all of our readers to follow. Player blogs serve as a unique outlet for programs to showcase their season as it develops, plus highlight everything they have to offer a student-athlete. In contrast, families and fans get a glimpse into the program’s athletic and academic regimen.
Charlie Cipriano
Senior – #25 – Goalie
Blog #8
Let's just start off this blog by me stating this may have very well been the peak weekend of my life. Well we beat Denver, had our formal senior mock wedding here at Fairfield and all that good other stuff.
But let's talk about what I can discuss and that is the Denver game. Probably the best game I've ever been a part of and that goes for MLB, NHL, middle school, high school lax. No one on this current squad has ever beaten Denver in their careers here at Fairfield until this past Saturday. Down three in the 4th quarter things didn't look great, until Sammy roofed that one top cheddar and to make it 8-6 and the wheels
kept rolling from there. You can tell right off the bat the team got a little bit of their swagger back. Snowman netted five and of course one of those was that game winner. Overtime #TheKingsOfOT. When Sam picked up that rebound and put it in I think everyone in the stands even Father G, jumped. I know for sure
Mr. Fritts ran into that dog pile. First thing I see as I ran over to that side of the field (note: which was the student section) I see Mr. Fritts running straight into that sucker full steam. Man's a legend.
Anyone who has been to one of our home games could tell you we have a very solid fan support. It may not be the largest crowd you ever seen at a game, oh but trust me YOU'LL KNOW they are there. If you want to see where it all starts..find those 3 english hooligans chanting. Going to be honest they're like our 11th guy on the field. Cheers Mates. It was an unreal win, that will last a long time in this program.
On a random note, Question: has anyone ever friend requested someone in their class who is sitting 3 seats in front of you, and who you see is currently on facebook, just to see if she'll accept it? Haha. Back to reality we have a big week and a half of lacrosse a head of us. Two back to back games (5 days apart) against Ohio State who is always a tough opponent. We've worked too hard this year to put ourselves in a position to get the tournament and fall short. Every game from here on out is a must win in our eyes and personally that's how I'll have to be playing.
It's crazy to think that this Saturday will be the last game ever for us seniors at home. I can honestly say we've come a long way since that first day four years ago and nothing would be sweeter than to top it off with a ECAC and NCAA championship. #PPW
Senior hash tags to end it:
Mctague #Gampa #UncleBrendan #ElCapi-tan
Whitlock- #NoOneKnowsHisMiddleName #ManDownCaptain #TWHIT #RedTrucksAreCool
Reed- #GuysHelpMe..... #TALKToME #DoctorsSaidHeCouldntPlay #PPW
#Robocop #16Laps
Doi- #YoYoYo #AskCharlie #LindysSavior #LifesAllAboutCrushingLax
Brent- #ImFast #ImCool #PeopleLikeToTrendMeOnTwitter #GoingToTheLeague
Snell- #TheDuuuude #MeltEngaged #MINTCITY
Dylan- #SoiledTheRunTest #DMiddieProblems #IsHeALeftyOrARighty.....
Palmer- #BattleShip #TakeAwaySpecialist #KidScoresGoals
Sully #WhatAreYouGuysDoing #IHitCipWithShotsTheMostOnTheTeam #MADscientist
Lets get some W's this week!
BTW, answer to earlier question - #SheDid. Haha. #leggo #WeWantTheCup