DURHAM, N.C.-Duke will be hosting its final men's lacrosse coaching clinic of the calendar year Wednesday, Dec. 14 at 7 p.m., in the Murray Building squad room. The clinic will run from 7-9 p.m., and will be led by Duke head coach John Danowski and assistant coaches Ron Caputo, Chris Gabrielli, and John Galloway.
The topic for the final session will be offense. The evening will start talking about individual offense and the staff will build that into group offense with the final piece being the development of a team offense. The clinic will feature input from the entire staff as well as video examples of how an offense develops from one individual to a group and ultimately to the team.
Coaches and those wanting to learn more about lacrosse can come free of charge to the event. For those who can't make it to Durham for the session can watch live on GoDuke.com free of charge. Simply log onto GoDuke.com at 7 p.m. and click the watch live button available.
The entire session will be broken down and archived in the various sections and will be available to watch the following day. Stay tuned to GoDuke.com for those links.