Lacrosse Playground: Tell us about the beginning. How did acting come to be?
Alex Weber: My acting career began about a year ago. I was taking the Fundamentals of Acting class last fall at Penn. It had been going well and I was really enjoying it so I went in and talked with the instructor. She set me up with information about some Independent Films that were going on in Philadelphia. From that point on I was pretty much auditioning and filming whenever I could fit it in with lacrosse. In the spring I was taken on by a talent agency in Philadelphia, and was accepted to be in the Advanced Acting class at Penn. I was pretty much hooked from that point on.

LP: Nice, and what came next after graduation from Penn?
AW: After graduation I moved back to New York, where my family’s from, and became part of an agency based in NYC. During the summer I took courses in NYC and was auditioning through the agency. I was cast in a spot for Gossip Girl, which aired the other week. Still being in my first year of acting full-time, and in my first month in LA, I just want to make the most of every opportunity I can.
LP: How do the scenes in NY compare to LA?
AW: The acting scenes are very different between New York and Los Angeles. There are theatre, TV, and film in both cities, but for the most part, NY is more theatre based while LA is more TV and Film. Since my goals are more focused on TV and Film, the Los Angeles relocation was the right move for me. I’ve been in LA for about a month now, and it’s definitely a great place. I’ve been trying to get involved with as much as I can and meet everyone I can. I got set up with a great class out here, been doing some showcases, and just finished up a short film this weekend. This month, I’m planning to enroll in an Improv class at the Upright Citizens Brigade in Hollywood, which is a solid school with a real good reputation. There’s a really strong lacrosse network in LA and that’s definitely something I’m looking forward to becoming a bigger part of. I’m going to be playing for a team in the Hollywood league this spring and will be the offensive coach at Malibu High School.
LP: When did you decide to take the next step and make a career out of acting?
AW: It was early this spring when I made the decision that I wanted acting to be my career. The courses had been going well, and through my agency, I’d been cast and acted in a few TV commercials. A successful career in acting is undoubtedly a difficult road, but the years of playing lacrosse have definitely been really helpful. Penn Lacrosse was a great experience for me. We had some incredible times, and some real crappy times too. That’s pretty much a fact of life though, and experiencing those ups and downs with lacrosse was invaluable. Our offensive coach had a great motto, “Burn the Ship”, which basically signified leaving everything you have on the field. You hear that kind of stuff a lot as a player but it really connected with me this last year at school. If you’re going all out, and truly giving something everything you have, then you’ll never regret anything, and regardless of the result, you can live with the outcome. That’s what’s been so helpful in acting. I feel very fortunate to be pursuing acting as my career and I don’t want to regret a second of it. I’m trying to make the most of everyday and give it everything I have, so hopefully what is now a full-time passion will become a full-time career.
LP: You have a lot going for you. Thanks for taking the time to hang with LPG.
AW: Mad props. Thanks for having me. Keep fighting the good fight.

We swaped numbers once at a bar…
This kid definitely bit my neck a couple times
Webby want wingies!
just kidding. i helped him end some kids late night though