Cradlebaby From LaxCB

Cradlebaby From LaxCB

Cradlebaby was spawned from a married couple in 2011. They were tired of being told, and telling their kids, not to practice lacrosse in the house when they really wanted them to do just the opposite. The couple took matters into their own hands and invented Cradlebaby.

A Cradlebaby is a lacrosse practice ball designed to help kids of all ages and skills improve their lacrosse game. Specifically, to improve their cradling, dodges, fakes and shots by allowing them to practice indoors or out, all the time. The Cradlebaby training ball is a regulation lax ball tethered to a player's stick so that they can play with it without breaking windows, lamps, etc... The ball actually feels and trains like a regulation ball.

This is a big-time solution to an age old problem. Say goodbye to broken windows. For more information visit
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same basic principles as the cradlemaster. look them up


same basic principles as the cradlemaster. look them up


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