It is no secret that Conan O'Brien likes to dig into lacrosse. The talk show host's disdain for lacrosse has been well documented over the years. He told Steve Carell he had a creepy lacrosse mustache, tweeted tired jokes about lacrosse players and now he feels the need to chime in about the latest in the "Rap-Lacrosse Wars" which of course pertains to Jay Z's polarizing lacrosse lyrics.
View his entire monologue from April 30th below. Skip ahead to the 2 minute mark where he mentions lacrosse.
Also, it is important to note that Jay Z has worn lacrosse apparel in past music videos. Jay Z...hypocrite much?
Ehhh I wouldn’t really say he was ragging on lacrosse per se. He’s also said some positive things about the sport (check out his commencement speech at Dartmouth) and to be completely honest, I found the whole Jay-z/MLL situation about as funny as he did.
Maybe when conan was a nerd at Harvard he had all of his potential girlfriends stolen by members of the crimson lacrosse team
Maybe when conan was a nerd at Harvard he had all of his potential girlfriends stolen by members of the crimson lacrosse team
Maybe when conan was a nerd at Harvard he had all of his potential girlfriends stolen by members of the crimson lacrosse team