Leaves the MCLA Party Leaves the MCLA Party has unexpectedly called it quits today. The popular MCLA website has been covering lacrosse for 13 years. The announcement came today and surprised everyone in the industry. It's sad to think about who will continue in the footsteps laid out for its followers. The website's splash page is now the resting place for a letter to the fans. Read the letter below.

A wise man once said --'the skill in attending a party is knowing when it's time to leave.'

It's time for CollegeLAX to leave the MCLA party. This wasn't an easy decision, but all good things must end.

I'd like to thank all the people who helped CollegeLAX over the years. There are way too many people to mention over the last 13 years, but I would like to acknowledge the contributions of Panchito Ojeda, Will Oakley, Will Moss, and Dave Adams.

It's been an amazing ride and I will always remember the numerous friendships I've made all over the country.

Best of luck to everyone, on and off the field, moving forward,

Where does MCLA lacrosse go from here? This also leaves you wondering which site is going next. The landscape of lacrosse isn't just changing on the field. As more and more people play lacrosse, the more the competition ensues amongst foes in the industry. Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.
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1 comment

Was this due to financial reasons? Is there another website out there that offers the same basic interface or do you think someone will have to step up and start fresh?

Matthew Cooper

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