Coast Guard Academy Lacrosse -- Fireside Chat With Cadet 1/C Austin English

Coast Guard Academy Lacrosse -- Fireside Chat With Cadet 1/C Austin English

New London, CT – This fall, we sat down Cadet 1/c Austin English one of three 2013 Team Captains selected at the United States Coast Guard Academy. Cadet 1/c Austin English, a proud member of the “Old Bay Crew” (the sobriquet for our Maryland player contingent), has been a mainstay of the Bears offense the last three years. The talented attackman notched a career-high 56 points last season, leading the PCLL in both points and assists with 36. A prolific scorer, English’s accolades include 2012 MCLA Scholar Athlete, 2012 PCLL 1st Team All-Conference Attack, 2011 PCLL 2nd Team All-Conference Attack, 2010 PCLL 1st Team All-Conference Attack and 2010 PCLL Rookie of the Year (English was the number five scorer in the country at 5.71 points per game in 2010). English spent a portion of his summer aboard USCGC GRAND ISLE, a 110-foot Patrol Boat out of Gloucester, Mass. before reporting as an intern in the Office of Resources as Coast Guard Headquarters to finish out his training program. English has also found success off the field and achieved a 3.2 GPA for the spring semester as a Management major. He is currently serving as the Echo Company Commander.

20 Questions with Austin English

Year in school: 2013
Age: 21
Hometown: Kent Island, MD
Major: Management
Sport: Lacrosse

1. Why did you choose to come to the Coast Guard Academy? I knew I wanted to go to a Service Academy. I wanted to be a person, not a number, so I decided the Coast Guard Academy was the way to go. I f I could go back, I would do it the exact same way.

2. Plans after graduating: Go to flight school – Naval Flight Training in Pensacola, Florida – and become a Coast Guard Aviator.

3. Favorite summer experience: Cadet Aviation Training Program – CATP – hands down. Getting hoisted from the water up into the cabin of a Coast Guard helicopter was amazing. I also went up in an MH-60T with an instructor pilot and student-pilot who had never flown that type of aircraft, it was great to experience.

4. What other CGA sports/activities are you involved in: Surfing, long boarding, Inter-Company football – as Echo Company Commander I have to lead our team to victory. The lacrosse team is taking over Chase Hall – we’ve got many players in important leadership positions.

5. What keeps you motivated each day: My classmates. I have the best of friends who I can look to for help. If I need a good laugh, ten minutes in Tim Wyderko's room will do the trick. If I want to go lift, I'll swing by Snookie’s (Cadet 1/c Steven Danseglio) room so he can teach me how they do it on Long Island (did I mention Maryland does lacrosse better?).

6. What are your goals for this season: Undefeated – wasn’t it Vince Lombardi that said “Gentlemen, we will chase perfection, and we will chase it relentlessly, knowing all the while we can never attain it. But along the way, we shall catch excellence.” We have great returning players – guys I love to be around both on and off the field.

7. Personal high point in the Coast Guard Academy so far: Scoring an around-the-world while Coach Krautler was defending me after freshmen year. Sorry Coach K, you can't give me topside.

8. What is your favorite activity apart from sports: Hunting with my dad. He and I have been hunting since I can remember, and it really is our thing. Even when we do not get anything, being out there with him is a blast.

9. Any pregame ritual: Listen to some OAR and country music while I re-tape my stick.

10. Funniest teammate: This is a combo for me. When Tim (Wyderko) and Treston (Taylor) get together the funniest things are said.

11. Favorite movie: Tears of the Sun.

12. Favorite song: Springsteen by Eric Church.

13. Favorite TV show: Duck Dynasty.

14. Favorite food: I'm from the eastern shore of Maryland, crabs. My pop-pop would turn over in his grave if I said anything different.

15. Favorite sports team: Redskins and anyone who beats Dallas.

16. Favorite athlete: Sean Taylor.

17. Place I want to travel: Alaska to moose hunt.

18. Personal hero: My parents.

19. Any Pets: Black lab named Harley and cat named crystal.

20. Advice to give to prospective cadets: Do what YOU want to do, not anyone else. Keep your chin up and things will work out

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As the smallest of the five U.S. service academies, the Coast Guard Academy offers the elite higher education, rigorous professional development, and honor and tradition of a military academy but with a more personalized approach.

The CGA offers an integrated life experience which emphasizes academics, physical fitness, character and leadership, in order to graduate officers of the highest caliber. Graduates go directly to positions of leadership in "The Shield of Freedom," one of the most admired organizations in the world. The Academy also features an impressive teacher-student ratio and picturesque waterfront campus that instills a traditional small college feel.

Cadets devote themselves to an honor concept and graduate to work at sea, on land, in the air, and even in space, in meaningful careers of selfless service to others.
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