Please join us for a great evening of lacrosse and community. Family event–bring the kids! Help them get interested in lacrosse and they may be able to meet their favorite lax pro! Come eat, drink, and be merry. And don’t forget to check out the huge array of items in the silent auction.

Business casual / Cocktail Attire
Ed Chiang
Jarett Wait
• Drinks • Hors d’oeuvres • Silent Auction • Live Appeal • Meet & Greet •
Lots of great auction items to bid on.
Plus, men's and women’s pro and national players will be available for autographs and photos.
Ticket Prices
Adults: $265 in advance, $300 at the door (if available)
Youth (Under 18): $190 in advance, $225 at the door (if available)
Purchase at: citylaxgala2015.eventbrite.com
Master of Ceremonies
NBC’s Harry Smith

Confirmed 2015 Team USA Attendees
Rob Pannell
Paul Rabil
Max Seibald
Visit citylaxgala2015.eventbrite.com for tickets and more information, or make checks out to CityLax, Inc. and mail to:
65 West 89th Street, New York, NY 10024
Please include contributor name and address with all checks, and whether you need a corporate match form. All contributions and program ads are fully tax-deductible for federal and state tax purposes. The non tax-deductible portion of each ticket purchase is to be determined. CityLax, Inc is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization; federal tax ID #20-4531166