Catching Up with Paul Rabil

Catching Up with Paul Rabil

Paul Rabil - Workout3 - Laxcon 2015

We caught up with Paul Rabil of the New York Lizards at the 2015 US National Lacrosse Convention after his training demonstration with TRX. Rabil released his new training program, the Paul Rabil Experience, here in Baltimore at LaxCon in January. Rabil told us a bit about his new program, training with TRX, and staying on top of his game.

Lacrosse Playground: Tell us about the Paul Rabil Experience.

Paul Rabil: We've talked about some of the things you can do to help the younger generations from instructional, conditioning, and nutritional components, but with the widespread growth of lacrosse all over the country and frankly the world- it's impossible to scale your message.  We have a season that goes 6 months of the year; I have obligations with partners and, you know, I can't be everywhere I'd like to be (training others).  Also, the cost that goes along with going to instructional camps and businesses is high.  I wanted to be able to provide what I think I do pretty well out on those fields, with TRX, and with other groups, onto an online platform that was accessible every day.  All my camps are usually 3-5 days of the year, so is accessible every day to everyone who wants it, and at a low cost.  So that’s what we have launched; we have been working on it for 2 years and I'm really excited about it.

LP: In a given week, how many days do you spend training?

PR: I get that all the time, but the first answer is it varies from where you are in your season.  So, the offseason is your time to step on the gas and I'm training 6 days a week; 5 days in the gym with Jay and my 6th day is my day to just go into the gym and enjoy myself—stretch and work out different muscle groups.  Everything else is kind of his council, his advisory, but anytime we have an off day we still always do dynamic work and functional work.  It may not be breakdown muscle and improve, but it’s stay loose, make sure you get your heart rate going; it's part of a healthy lifestyle and it intersects right into my nutrition.

Paul Rabil - Workout2 - Laxcon 2015

LP: Why TRX instead of other training modules?

PR: The focus on core stability in your movements is the best part of TRX. You are always working your core.  I have had two sports injuries over the past years and TRX was something I could use even while I was recovering. With my left adductor, I was able to use the Rip Trainer and grade it from light, to medium, and up as I built my strength back. With my foot, I could still use the Suspension Trainer; cross one leg over the other to take the pressure off, and still get a cardio workout through hard sets of biceps, dips, and core.

Paul Rabil - Workout1 - Laxcon 2015

LP: Are you looking forward to playing with the Lizards? Have you played with anyone already there?

PR: I'm very much looking forward to training camp.  I think the Lizards had the most team USA players of any Major League Lacrosse team, so fortunately, I spent a lot of time with them this past summer.  It's a great opportunity to be part of an already championship contender.  And from the studying perspective, one of the things I try to do better and better each year is study more films, study other players' tendencies; what they do well, and what they don’t. When you understand what they don't as a feeder, you can figure out where they don’t like to receive the ball and then what puts them in the best situation. Watching what they do helps me understand  how I can be a better player.   Anytime you have a chance to go to New York, it’s the biggest marketplace in the world for Sports Media, so I'm looking forward to being a part of that fast paced culture.

LP: Are you going to relocate?

PR: Yeah, I'm planning on Manhattan.

LP: What is one area of your own game that you are focusing on to stay at the top?

PR: Consistency.  I've been fortunate to get a lot of recognition as a player, but my percentages of shooting, and passing and stuff, they ebb and flow throughout the season and in a game. You're always striving for perfection in sports; no one ever gets there.  Even the guys that I study, like Michael Jordan—rarely did he shoot 100% from the field and he may have scored 63 points in the field but he still missed some shots and thought to himself, "I should have made those."  You're always striving. I'd say in a perfect world I'd score 6 goals and have 6 assists every game, but I don't get there. So you're always trying, you're always hungry for that type of commitment.

LP: What is your advice to the young athletes looking up to you?

PR: The most important thing is to have a consistent work ethic.  Be open and listen (to your coaches, trainers). Don't let anyone stop you from achieving your dreams.

To train like Paul Rabil, check out his program at and TRX training at
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