BroBible Unveils New Lax Pinney

Our friends at BroBible are debuting brand new gear today in the retail section of their site. LPG first mentioned BroBible back in July as one of laxers top eight favorite blogs. BroBible loosely defines its demographic as “ambitious, socially active, sports- and recreation-minded men aged 18-up.”

Brobible is featuring six different types of 100% cotton T-shirts with vibrant colors as well as a reversible lax pinney. The pinney is adorned with the custom blue BroBible Logo on a white/black reversible. This is a good indicator of how lacrosse has become a fixture in everyday life.



Check out the lax pinney and other available shirts for yourself at BroBible and make sure to let us know what you think of the new pinney below with a comment.

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So gay.


Sweet…I can wear this round the dorms.


dope. ya heard


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