Breaking News: Gary Gait Pulls out of U of Maryland Consideration, His Son Has Skillz
IL reported that Gary Gait is no longer a candidate for the Maryland men's opening. Gait stated that "The alums were very supportive and it was definitely an incredible opportunity to pursue," he said, "but I decided because of my family and my situation that I'm not going to pursue it." His daughter, Taylor, is finishing her sophomore yr in HS and his son, Braedon, is finishing his eighth-grade year. Below is a clip of Braedon showing off his stick "skillz".
Nice vid but was this kid even alive when that song came out? He should know Limp Bizkit loses him some credibility…
Good thing Maryland won’t have to be sponsored by gait haha, I feel bad for those programs cough*Virginia*cough
this kid is so ill, i couldnt come close to doing any of that, must be those gait genes