Avatar Director, James Cameron, Gives Iroquois Lacrosse Team $50,000

The current events surrounding the Iroquois lacrosse team have transpired into an incendiary and outlandish ordeal. Amidst the turmoil delivered, positive has come from the situation.

-The U.S. Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton, stepped up and went to bat for the Iroquois in order to get the Iroquois issued passports approved for a one-time waiver (The Brits still denied entry though).

-Delta Airlines waived fees.

-‘Avatar’ director James Cameron gave the team $50,000 to defray the costs of their three-day delay in New York City.

Nevertheless, family and strength prevail through the bureaucratic follies. Iroquois General Manager Ansley Jemison has said, "We're a team. We're going to stay a team."


The last day of the Duke lacrosse house...
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[…] were the first lacrosse website to break the news, and now we have confirmation. Read the press release for even more […]

It’s Official, James Cameron Contributes to the Iroquois Cause

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