American Lacrosse League: Bud Light Tryouts

American Lacrosse League: Bud Light Tryouts

The ALL Bud Light team was started in the fall of 2009 to compete in the West Division of the Gray Conference in the American Lacrosse League. The team was established to give players in the Western Maryland region a chance to play at a competitive post collegiate level. Going into its 4th season in the ALL, the Bud Light team is looking to make some serious changes.

In years past the Bud Light team has used the St. James School of Hagerstown as it’s home field. For the 2013 season, the team is moving its home field to Frederick, Maryland. This will move the team closer to many more of the ALL teams that are based in Baltimore and its surrounding areas. This will allow easier travel for both members of the Bud Light team and its opponents throughout the coming seasons.

Another significant change is that Bud Light is looking add to its roster. The team will be holding an open try out on October 6th at 2:30 pm. The try out will be held at Utica District Park in Frederick, Maryland. This tryout will be open to all players who are eligible to play in the ALL. For more details about the American Lacrosse League, please visit For more information about the Bud Light team, please contact Kris Dietrich ( or Chris Keller (

We look forward to seeing everyone out on the 6th.
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[…] American Lacrosse League: Bud Light Tryouts – Lacrosse Playground […]

American lacrosse | Janetbosshart

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