Sports Studio Casting hosted a combine at the LXM Pro Event on November 21st. Participants traveled to Santa Ana Municipal stadium where they participated in a grueling combine to display their talents to the Sports Studio team. Throughout the combine Mark Ellis and the Sports Studio team evaluated the participants and eventually chose 10 contestants to read lines for a Hollywood Casting Director. We had the opportunity to chat with Alex about the experience.
"I originally heard about the Sports Studios casting call through the LXM event, which was taking place later in the day. I didn't know much about what the actual casting call would be, but I knew it began with a combine. The combine was mainly made up of sprints, various agility drills with cones and ladders, and some hand-eye coordination as well," Alex Weber explains.
After further evaluation Coach Ellis chose two contestants as the winners of the first LXM Pro event, Alex Weber and Joshua Peters.
Alex feels just lucky to have made it to the final round, "from the combine, the Sports Studios team made selections for people to read with casting directors, and I was fortunate to be among them."
Though playing a lacrosse player may never grow old Alex still has to bring his "A" game to every acting audition and it shows through his approach to the art. Alex goes on to state they "were given the scripts, and about ten minutes to look over it, before reading with the casting directors. Through acting in commercials and independent films, I've been able to gain some experience with auditions. The thing about auditions though, is that no two are ever the same, and so you can never really feel completely comfortable heading in. The casting directors were great though, and I felt really good about how the reading went."
"From that point, the Sports Studios made selections of the Top 10, and brought us out to the field before the LXM All-Star Game. I felt good about my performance throughout the day, and it was an awesome feeling to be named one of the winners. Sports Studios is an incredible company and has done work with a ton of classic sports films like "Invincible", "We are Marshall", and "Miracle." I feel really fortunate to have the opportunity to work with them, and can't wait for the experience."
To read more about Alex Weber click here.
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You heard it here folks—if you want to be a hot movie star like Alex Weber, eat exclusively natural peanut butter and bird food.