Whiskey Mountain Tribute Head

Whiskey Mountain Tribute Head

The latest dyed and strung head from McCool's Dye Shop, I did some work for a friend with a new material and it came out great.


A friend recently asked me to help him replace a head that he had broken while playing catch with the stick's owner-- a mutual friend and high school teammate of ours.  The broken head happened to be one that I had dyed and strung for him for Christmas years earlier.  We decided that it was time for an new edition, and so began this project.

Whiskey Mountain is my friend's cabin in West Virginia that we've been going to over the years.  Every summer  his high school friends from Virginia and his college friends from Indiana meet at his spot in the Wild and Wonderful Dub V to catch up.   I took that idea and ran with it, and this is what I came up with.

The overall effect was created with Krylon Webbing Spray.  Loved working with that stuff.  The lettering and states were done with vinyl stickers.  I dyed the head in a vertical fade of yellow and blue, trying to leave as much green as I could in the middle.  After that I added the webbing spray and then dipped both sides of the head into red, doing another fade.    After the red, I dried the head and added more of the webbing along with the vinyl lettering.


Next step was to finish the dye with black.  In places, because of the spray, it came out midnight blue.  With any other dye I'd be upset about that, but I think it adds to the cold/icy theme of the left side of the stick.

Across the scoop, the states Indiana, West Virginia, and Virginia are represented.  On the back of the scoop, my friend's name is hidden under the leathers.  The pocket was new to me, but I think it's been done once before.  It's kind of a 4-leather Grunk, but with an O-Channel.  Started with the middle track, then went out.  Still getting it dialed in, though.

If you have any questions about the dye, or would just like to keep up with the stuff I come up with, you can find me on Facebook or follow the new instagram page @mccoolsdyeshop for more Stick Doc work.


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