Warrior Spyne Durability Test

Warrior’s new Spyne head is hitting store shelves and over at Warrior they’ve put together a video to show just how tough the head is supposed to be.

This new head combines technology and design to make it a revolutionary head. The Spyne head is made with TEK 9 polymer that is supposed to withstand heat and hold up to softening or bending. In addition to the Spyne head, which meets NCAA 2010 head specs, Warrior has produced the Razer Spyne (molded after the Razer 2.0 mold) and the Evo Spyne (molded after the Evolution 2.0 mold).

The Spyne might be the answer for defensemen. Wouldn’t you want an unyielding head for bone crushing checks? Exactly, that’s what we thought. Warrior puts Spyne to the test.

Check out Warrior’s video test of the Spyne’s durability:

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