The guys over at Discover Your Game have created some amazing products that allow players to train on their own and in groups in ways that develop good habits or break old bad ones. Their flagship product the Throttle Pro is a monster device adjustable quickly to any size and any player to work on shooting and passing correctly. The Throttle Light is the perfect little brother to the Throttle Pro both in price and size. Where the Throttle does take up space and is quite heavy the Throttle Light weighs near nothing and gets the job done as well just in a different way.
The full size Throttle Pro utilizes a full heavy weight base and a set dual break away system where the Throttle Light uses any sturdy upright object such as a tree or in our case a telephone pole (we did use a second goal that had a destroyed net and had some success with our U9 girls program as well) and a compressed breakaway system that still removes the fear of a broken stick while providing versatility.
The Throttle Light is intended for the youth player and is very easy to set up placing it over your shoulder and using the buckles to tighten down to the post. Once reasonably tightened you adjust the height to line up with the throat of your stick as shown in the Throttle Pro review, tighten the straps fully, and begin shooting. The buckles on these straps lock down automatically and hold up to a hard shot without loosening which is great.
The Throttle Light even has a lighter price tag, making it a very affordable and invaluable tool. Just like the Throttle Pro I involved one of our Blue Skies players who within about 10 minutes showed significant improvement in both his right and left hand, Aiden started lacrosse in the Box game in New York, where keeping your hands and arms tight is a key to success. But in the field game, this isn't great for a longer shot on the larger net. By working with the Throttle Light we were able to improve Aiden's effective range from primarily inside shots to a more versatile 10 yards. For a U11 player that's not bad.
The Throttle Light is a perfect pick up for any parent looking for a great trainer to accompany their players goal or coach looking to take their team to the next level on a budget.