The Post-Shot Pocket Scrub

Good evening laxers and lax lovers.  I assume many of you watched the UVA/Cuse game, where 'this' was never more apparent to me, but you'll be able to see this in any game.

If you can recall or DVR-ed it: Tim Desko - first BTB goal - did it.  Matt Bocklet - perhaps the 2nd coming of Matt Ward? - did it after his first goal.  Kehoe - after his first goal.  To any of you college players out there, you are very familiar with this move.  Back in my day, it was the pull strung: now outlawed.  Now, 'this' is the pocket scrub.

Notice the FIRST thing some offensive players do after they score a goal.  Even before their celebration, a player will take the back of their head and rub it against their hip.  I understand: with the power these guys are shooting, you can imagine the kind of stretch they're putting on their mesh.  I just wanted to point it out - WE DO NOTICE - especially on televised games with replays of your goals.  Believe me, as a former college attackman and current referee, I see this during my games and I believe us referees do have sympathy - a.k.a. we let it go.  But be wary big bag lovers and pull stringers, you've just been called out, and some refs might not be so nice.

I ask all of you to watch the next game you see on TV, I can almost guarantee that one player does it post-goal.




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