Super Power Plus

Super Power Plus

The Super Power is one of the top heads for every level of play and a favorite among college players at STX and Nike schools. With the upgraded Super Power + STX added ACP plastic for stiffness and C-Channel Tech to stiffen the bottom rail.

Shape 10 out of 10

The Super Power + didn’t change the great shape that everyone knows and loves from the previous Super Power. It’s a favorite for a reason, it performs great and for multiple positions.

Stiffness 9 out of 10

With the addition of ACP plastic and the C-Channel the Super Power + holds up to harder checks and more faceoffs than ever before. Heat and stress won’t make this head go soft on you.

Stringing 10 out of 10

The Super Power + provides enough holes for any style of pocket. For those of you looking to really dial in your pocket to the way you play the Super Power + has an option for anything you could need.

Durability 9 out of 10

The Super Power + like previous models keeps the lightweight design which does leave some areas for kinking or cracks but compared to any previous model it is by far the most durable.

Overall 9.5 out of 10

For any middie or attackmen looking for a solid head all over the field the Super Power + will give you a great experience give it a shot. For those of you who already love the Super Power line pick it up and let your stick evolve with your game.

Super Power
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