REVIEW: NoSweat Disposable Helmet Sweat Absorber

REVIEW: NoSweat Disposable Helmet Sweat Absorber

When I first received a pack of the NoSweat disposable helmet pads, I was a bit skeptical of whether it'd be worth changing them out all the time.  It seemed like one more thing that I would have to remember to do before each game.  After using them in recent box lacrosse games, however, I'm jumping on the bandwagon.  These things rock.


When playing box lacrosse or outdoors  in the summer, I'm constantly trying to reach my gloved fingers through my helmet bars to wipe sweat off my forehead or out of my eyes.  I usually can't even reach it all, sweat gets in my eyes, and it results in my gloves starting to smell more quickly than they would otherwise.  After a recent pair of box games using a NoSweat pad, I realized that I hadn't had sweat on my face or in my eyes the entire time I was playing.  It was one of the most intense and competitive games of the season, and I was sweating like a mad man, but it all stayed in the helmet.  I handed one out to a teammate as well, just looking for another unbiased opinion.  Same story at the end of the game.  No issue whatsoever with sweat.  He even asked where to buy them.

I used one pad for two hour-long games, and put a lot of moisture into them without any problem at all.  The pad stayed in place, and came out easily at the end of the game.    Getting the pad in was no problem.  Peel the backing, place in helmet.  I didn't have to re-position it at all, and it was so thin that I really couldn't even tell it was there.  Just make sure you put it in your lid while it's still dry.  It feels kind of puffed up after it's been played with, so not really something you want to re-use too much.  At $4 for a 3 pack, though, it's easy to replace.

We first reported on the product back in Oct. of 2012.  Each pad can be used once or multiple times depending on how much you are sweating.  They can be found at

If there are other products out there that you would like to see reviewed, let us know!
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