Review: Laxcrate

CreatorsCrateThis is the Creator's Crate (the one I received in the mail and reviewed below). The other crates are pictured below and are detailed on Laxcrate's site

My first exposure to Laxcrate came when they followed my personal Instagram account. I rolled through all of their five pictures and thought that they had a pretty solid idea for a product.

Laxcrate founder, Connor Cirillo, formulated the idea for Laxcrate when he saw kids in summer tournaments in need of a new and well strung head after theirs had just broken in the summer heat. Connor’s business really hit home with me because I used to be that kid, but no one was there to give me all the supplies I needed in one place or to help me string it.


The Game Day 

One Crate comes with everything you could need to set up a new game stick. The have a multitude of Crate options already available or you can mix and match to create your own Crate. They sent me a Creators Crate so that I could string a traditional pocket.

First off, I must mention how organized and neat the box is when it came to me. It felt like a gift from an old friend. When I opened the box, I was immediately blown away by what they gave me. The Creators Crate comes with a fresh ball, Throne Of String Premium Throne Leathers, a TradiTree Retro, a screw, StringKing tape, and a few stickers. Obviously for a traditional kit, you would need all of the pieces necessary to string the stick, but Laxcrate goes above and beyond by including the StringKing tape and the TradiTree Retro, which I believe is the best TradiTree to date (see my review). It’s these little things that set Laxcrate apart from other companies that just send you a kit.


The Stick Doctor

Laxcrate doesn't skimp on quality, either. The Creators Crate includes Throne Leathers, which are slowly becoming my favorite leathers the more I use them. They also offer Crates with ECD Hero Mesh and Hero Strings or StringKing mesh and strings, all of which are top of the line companies. They have so many options that I can’t fit them all into one short review.

Laxcrate makes it very easy to get everything you need in one box at one website for a very affordable price. It’s great for pointing out to your parents what you want for the holidays because they can get it all from one website instead of having to follow link after link that you sent to them in an email.

The future looks bright for Laxcrate with more to come as we get closer to the season. Go check them out!

all-american crate

The All-American

More about Laxcrate: Laxcrate’s founder Connor Cirillo had started his first lacrosse venture back when he was only a junior in high school, stringing sticks on-site at tournaments. Over the next several years running it as a way to finance his personal gear addiction, he began to realize that there was an opportunity.  In his mind, anyone could sell a piece of mesh, but nobody was truly helping lacrosse players get better by having the right tools. That’s when he began formulating what we now know as Laxcrate. Connor believed that investing in players and helping them succeed was the best way to be successful.

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