Paul Stolzer New Wave Lacrosse Tattoo

Paul Stolzer New Wave Lacrosse Tattoo

Shown is a picture of New Wave Director, Coach, Founder and Farleigh Dickinson All Time leading assist record holder Paul Stolzer's full calf leg lacrosse tattoo. The tattoo was inspired artistically by the famous bronze statue standing outside of the Lacrosse Hall of Fame in Baltimore, Maryland. The Statue depicts two larger than life bronze Native American lacrosse players reaching for the ball.

Lacrosse has always run in Stolzer's blood, from the time he was a little kid growing up on Long Island playing with the likes of John Danowski, to the time he got put in the Farleigh Dickinson Hall of Fame for all time leading assist holder to the time he moved to Chicago to bring quality east coast lacrosse teachings to a place that needed it. The Tattoo permanently commits Stolzer to the game in a way, it proves to the world that his passion and experiences with the game will never leave him; they have shaped who he is today.

Stolzer, along with partners Andy Thompson and Kyle Sullivan, founded New Wave Lacrosse in Chicagoland in 2009 to bring quality, well rounded and professionally coached lacrosse to an area that was lacking it. Today, New Wave offers something for everyone; from beginner lacrosse instruction, to elite travel teams that have sent dozens upon dozens of midwest players to play at D1 and D3 schools.

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