If you got a chance to watch my video from the 2014 National Lacrosse Convention, you might have seen Flip Naumburg introduce a new head called the Hawk. Innovative and strategically thought out, the Hawk is a perfect example of what Epoch lacrosse is becoming known for: challenging conventional thinking to create products that work better for today's lacrosse player. The latest release from Epoch furthers this reputation. Otter Mesh is a new and different take on the mesh game, and looks to improve what most players use every time they step on the field.

I put some in a Reebok 9K I had on hand, and could immediately tell a huge difference between it and traditional mesh. The weight of the ball was so directly translated to my hands it was like I was feeling the ball differently than I ever had before. The mesh itself is soft overall. Very pliable, yet sturdy when you stretch it. With a ball in it, you can feel exactly where in your pocket the ball is. It's hard to explain, but I took two sticks out to the wall and I could definitely notice the enhanced feel in the Otter Mesh.

The soft mesh effect will be a great asset for face off guys that are looking to avoid having the ball get stuck in between their mesh and their head after a clamp. I can't measure this, but it feels like Otter Mesh is thinner than normal mesh - which would certainly help explain the drastic weight difference. The mesh moves with the ball, so it won't get stiff and create the shell that traps the ball. I tried a couple of draws and thought it worked well in this regard.

About the Pocket: I also posted a picture of a sidewall knot that I used in this pocket to my instagram. I wasn't satisfied with the channel I was getting out of the available holes on the head, so I made something up to improve that. It lead to me interlocking on the 2nd and 9th diamonds, instead of the usual outer 1st and 10th. I've included pictures of that just in case you want to try something new. Combined with the 3-across topstring seen in the picture below it led to an excellent V shaped channel that pushed the ball toward the middle of my shooters. For more on this stuff and to keep up with whatever else I'm doing (or eating), find me at @mccoolsdyeshop.