Original Lax Bros Clothing and Apparel

We got some sweet swag in from Original Lax Bros today. They sent us two pairs of socks and a pair of shorts--with a promise of more stuff on the way soon. We really dig the socks, which say "Live Lax or Die" on them. The shorts are equally as cool too. There are flags from countries all over the world on them and we give OLB props for embracing the international growth trends in lacrosse.

Original Lax Bros is a new apparel company with a simple mission, one that we can't argue with:

"We were Bros before there were Bros, sportin' Flow long before it was called Flow. Names meant nothing when we were coming up playing. We just lived and breathed lacrosse and all that came with the game. Just like our motto says: Live Lax Or Die. We wouldn't have it any other way. And now we're here to share some of that with you."

Peep some more pics of the gear:

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