Of course it seems the University of Michigan Lacrosse team is getting spoiled because they did get new helmets already, but these are special. In fact, these are not only for practice, but the even sport an old logo, which I haven't seen in a long time, known as the "Wolverbear." These Warrior lacrosse helmets are actually pretty nice, and while they lack the normal Wolverine look, they do look rather nice for just being something for practice. I could tell the Michigan players were excited about them, as they should be with how they have played this season, and the roots of Michigan obviously haven't been forgotten. How about another picture you ask? Well here you go!

Michigan is doing great this season, and these helmets are a nice touch to the undefeated season as of right now, but for another picture a write-up from a friend of mine, who covers everything Michigan, head over to the Great Lax State that Tim Sullivan has up.
As always, if you have any questions feel free to email me josh@umgoblue.com or shoot me a message on Twitter @TheRealHag