In "Soldiers Exposed -- Dan Hardy," the 6 4 attackman from Tully, NY, who lead Syracuse University to back-to-back NCAA Division I Mens Lacrosse National Championships shares how he mentally prepares for big games. Hardy explains that he likes to in-vision the entire game in his head, to think about the apposing teams tendencies, his defenders and what he wants to do when he steps on the field.
Hardys favorite Maverik product? The Maybach gloves with Dillo flex technology and seamless palms. Dan feels the Maybachs flexibility is incomparable to anything else on the market.
"Soldiers Exposed -- Dan Hardy," captures Hardys brute strength and force of his shot while using Maveriks new Vision head paired with a Wonder Boy shaft and Maybach gloves.
Maverik and Maverik Films will next debut videos for Kyle Sweeney (Team USA, Boston Canons and Philadelphia Wings), and John Christmas (Boston Canons and Philadelphia Wings).
"We are really excited to share Jays outstanding footage and give everyone the opportunity to get to know Dan, or Big Country as we like to call him, just a little bit better," said John Gagliardi, President and founder of Maverik Lacrosse. "I would encourage all lax fans to check our site each month because we will be debuting new videos and equipment that will continue to push the envelope of creativity and innovation."