The Maryland Lacrosse Showcase staff is excited to announce that the showcase hats are now available for purchase. To purchase these hats visit http://marylandlacrosseshowcase.com/?page_id=265.

They will be coming out with apparel in the next few months. To stay up to date on their gear "Like" them on facebook at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Maryland-Lacrosse-Showcase-Premier-Recruiting-Showcase/186166664817675?ref=hl
If you're a high school male athlete graduating in 2014, 2015, & 2016 and would like to have to opportunity to participate in the 2013 Maryland Lacrosse Showcase visit Maryland Lacrosse Showcase to fill out the interest form. Invitations will be sent out this winter. Some schools that attend this past years was UMBC, Salisbury, Wheeling Jesuit.