Stick Doctor fans, we are happy to announce the partnership with Rose School of Stringing to provide LIVE ONLINE stick stringing classes. Classes will be taught by myself, Greg Rose, of Rose School of Stringing. The idea: we wanted to provide a more active forum for learning to string a stick online, not just hitting stop and start on a YouTube video. Students will be encouraged to follow along, pose questions, and learn!
$30 for 1 mesh kit + 3 hour class (first class is discounted to $20)
Purchase LIVE ONLINE , then you'll be sent instructions prior to class with a code to view the Ustream.com streaming video.
First class size will be limited to 15 students from around the country/world
First class: June 26th 6:00 - 9:00
If you purchase LIVE ONLINE within 5 days of the class (TODAY COUNTS), you may not receive your mesh kit in time for the class, so please have other mesh and supplies on hand.
Add the NLSTI Stick Stringer Certification Program for only $20 more ($35 value). Study Guide will be sent upon registration for the Certification Program - you will receive the test link after the class.
The first class is a special price of $20. Subsequent classes will be $30. Please act on this special deal and join us online for the stringing class by CLICKING HERE.

Furthermore, each and every player has a different style. Gaining knowledge of stringing has been mostly overlooked, but times are changing and your players can be the MOST INFORMED: making them the BEST players they can be. Consider signing your team or just a few teammates up for a group stringing lesson in person.
Not only will my class teach stringing, but it also teaches players to think in an analytical manner, which is useful all over the field. Visit my website for more info on how we can work together.